
0EF1A52E57CE52D8D47B0E625B916D60T-Shirts are yet another cornerstone promotional product.You see branded t-shirts everywhere. And why not, they are soft and comfortable. We have all sizes from x-small to xxx-large and all colors.

T-shirts can be used by staff for company events and celebrations, awarded as gifts and given away to clients. You definitely want to provide members of your audience at conferences a t-shirt. You can create an army of walking billboards with every t-shirt you give away.

Below are just a few samples of the hundreds of choices we provide our clients when it comes to t-shirts. For more information, you can call us directly at 1-(844) 638-3750, fill out the contact form at the right, or request a catalogue.

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Winnipeg Direct: (204) 957-0011
Toll Free: (844) 638-3750

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Don't Be Shy

Drop us a line anytime, and one of our customer service reps will respond to you as soon as possible